Monday, March 29, 2010
Fire Jinn - Ifrit (Final Fantasy VIII)
Ifrit known as Jinn is a fire-elemental summon beasts which appears in several games in the series. He is one of the most frequently appearing Summons and is often a rival to the ice-summon Shiva. It has green-brown skin with long horns and claws, covered by a simple kilt-like covering around his waist.He is the third Guardian Force available.
He is obtained by defeating him in the Fire Cavern before the time limit runs out. He is also somewhat unique in that he talks during the battle, and expresses surprise and alarm if you summon the Guardian Force Shiva during the battle. His normally will used the attack called Hell Fire, which is a fire-elemental attack against all enemies. This attack is that it will break the earth or the ground and rise it up to the sky and than beat the enemy with the rock with hell fire.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Dark Messenger - Diablos (Final Fantasy VIII)
Diablos which is an optional boss who will become a Guardian Force upon defeated. You will received a items name "Magical Lamp" from Headmaster Cid when you 1st time out for the mission. This lamp has strict instruction to save the game before you using it. Upon rubbing the lamp than will immediately fight with Diablos. Upon defeated
him than he will join as a Guardian Force. His appearance is with a pair of demonic wings and than with a tail. His claw is sharp which can attacks enemy with it. Diablos special powerful attack will be as his title Dark Messenger which is gravity based element. For using this attacks he will 1st create a magical circle around the enemy and than blast it with the gravity power. This attacks normally will cost enemy maximum HP count via a percentage equal to Diablos's level range.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thunder Serpent - Quezacotl (Final Fantasy VIII)
Quezacotl which just shown in juz a few series of Final Fantasy. Its appearance is different for Final Fantasy VIII which it shown as a lightning based summon and as a winged creature of some sort.
It is one of the first two guardian force. It is available by entering the tutorial from Squall's desk in the classroom at the very beginning of the game. But if if miss to get it by not access to the tutorials before leaving Balamb Garden Quitis will also give both of the Guardian Force to Squall before reaching the world map. It always attack with its special powerful lightning attack - Thunder Storm. It will summon out by thunder cloud and than itself if charges with the lightning power which can enable it to aim at a certain area and summon the last large lightning and blast the area.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ice Queen - Shiva (Final Fantasy)
Shiva mostly show in every series of Final Fantasy which physical characteristics are that of a willowy female with extreamely pale skin and long, blue hair to invoke an image of ice and cold. This image is reinforced in later summos sequences by the addition of arctic winds, freezing temperetures and large crystal formations. Despite the cold, she is invariably wears only enough clothing to conceal her modesty, along with boots and other minor aesthetic pieces. And she normally is attacking her enemy with her physical attacks in the form of kick and punch.
She most powerful attacking skills is Diamond Dust which can changing the water in the air change to ice and use it to freeze the enemy and than break the freezing enemy with her special skills.

Monday, March 15, 2010
Dark Rider - Odin (Final Fantasy XI)

Odin is appeared in every series of Final Fantasy which is most commonly. His is a demonic looking knight with horns, and a long, curved scimitar as his weapon also call Gungnir. He always with his horse which take a demonic tyoe attribute as well such as red eye and body armor - Sleipnir. In Final Fantasy XI he is know as the Avatar of Darkness. Countless years before it he fought against Alexander for dominion over the mortal realm. Although at the end he defeated Alexander but he also was beaten. He merge once again much later in the Empire of Aht Urhgan. Like the others Avatars who slumber within the protocrystals and only projected images of themselves into the world. Most powerful skill he using which is call Zantetsuken which using his sword to slice the enemy into 2.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Holy Judger - Alexander ( Final Fantasy IX)

Based on the FFIX, Alexander is the eidolons used by Summoner hundreds of years bore the start of the game, back when they inhabited the Mist Continent. during an experiment however, the Eidolon went on a rampage. To stop Alexander from being used again, the Summoners left the Mist continent, leaving him there.They also divide his gem into four fragment. Alexander being summon when Princess Garnet and Eiko summoned it together to protect Alexandria Castle form the destruction of Kuja by summoning Bahamut which is King of The Dragon. His most powerful skills which is shooting the light from his shoulder than to the enemy just like a missle call Holy Judgement.
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